Here EU is playing games with what is professional astronomers mean by charge separation. In general, astrophysical plasmas are electrically neutral on large scales. This graphic indicates what is actually happening in a predominantly neutral plasma.
In this case, the free charges (red and green dots) are sufficiently intermingled that any sample of the volume with a large number of charges will be essentially neutral. If you examined on a sufficiently small scale, you could probably find small regions (on scales of the Debye length (Wikipedia: Debye Length), which might be charge imbalanced for a short time.
While electrostatic forces will still try to pull ions and electrons together to form neutral atoms, the thermal energy of particles is sufficient to overcome the ionization potential of the atoms. These particles are always in motion. Any imbalance in charge will create an electric field which will act to return the plasma back to a neutral state. If losses due to collisions with neutral atoms or photon emission is too low, the motion can set up an oscillation with a frequency of the plasma frequency (Wikipedia: Plasma Frequency).
For a discussion of some of the conditions where astronomers know charge separation/electric fields can take place, see my earlier post, “The REAL Electric Universe”. For the case of the Pannekoek-Rosseland field mentioned in the linked article, the charges are held separated by the gravitational gradient. In this case, the entire mass of the Sun can only support a charge separation of about 100 coulombs. This is a very small quantity when compared to an object as large as the Sun.
When astronomers say there is no significant charge separation in space, we are talking about bulk charge separation, contrary to what EU advocates want to claim. EU advocates usually mean large groups of the same charge (red vs. green) are separated by some distance, like this:
Here, the black arrows represent the direction of the electrostatic forces which will work to pull the separated charges back together. Also note that the regions of the same charge (electrons and ions) the like-charged particles will be repelling each other!
Explaining various astrophysical phenomena by these mechanisms requires charge separations and electric fields far larger than can be provided by known mechanims. The energy to separate the charges (not just ionize the atoms) has to come from somewhere! Irving Langmuir, (Wikipedia) understood why you cannot get significant, sustained charge separation unless something stronger than the attractive electrostatic force, like your lab equipment, is holding the charges apart.
Another item is that the EU article has interpreted the spectroscopic notation incorrectly. The number of electrons missing is one less than the value of the roman numeral. OVIII has one electron remaining (it is called hydrogenic, Wikipedia: Hydrogen-like Atom). Neutral hydrogen is HI, while ionized hydrogen is HII. Similarly, neutral helium is HeI, while singly-ionized helium is Hell and doubly-ionized is HeIII. In some cases, modern notation is creeping in, so some more recent papers use the superscript ionization notation, so HII = $H^{+1}$ and CIV = $C^{+3}$. An atom with all the electrons missing cannot generate spectral lines by atomic processes.
The issues of spectral line formation were first figured out in the 1920s and 1930s with the development of quantum mechanics. It's a fairly advanced spectroscopy topic
- Wikipedia: Atomic spectral line
- Computer exercises “Stellar Spectral Line Formation“
- Atomic Spectroscopy (NIST)
As usual, the EU crowd is playing fast-n-loose with their 'facts'.